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Interpreting services


The interpreter acts as an intermediary during business negotiations either at the client's premises or on-site and provides technical and/or business linguistic support


The interpreter is called upon to translate the speech of one or more speakers by breaking it down into short portions either for another presenter or for the audience

Simultaneous *

the interpreter works in a fully equipped booth to simultaneously translate a speaker's presentation for the audience.

*includes the supply of equipment, booths and headsets on request

Chuchotage interpreting

The interpreter whispers the translation of a speech into the ear of a single listener


Creation of voice-overs for promotional films, radio and video messages

Special services

Certification of legal documents, Legalisation, Proofreading and editing, Hostess service for trade fairs and conventions

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Corporate and tailored language courses

Held at the client’s premises or in our offices.

Courses are custom-designed to meet the needs of users and can consist of progressive learning modules, in order also to obtain international certifications.
We also organise Italian courses for foreigners.